I completed another quality Cybrary course today. This one took me a bit longer than my previous one as it had some good overviews of some tools I did not have a ton of experience with. I also ended up skipping a couple parts that I felt I had a very good understanding. My overall experience was good, it some great information. The presenter also did a great job and was obviously quite knowledgeable in the area. However, I am a bit taken back by calling this Advanced Penetration Testing. That being said I did not take the lower level courses so I may just be biased on this one.

That being said once I got to Exploit Development I adored the course. Exploit Development is something I feel quite weak in so going through that really opened my eyes on how to do many of these stack based exploits. I supposed I was always intimidated by the concepts, but in the end its really not black magic (to start at least). It really peaked my interest and has gotten me to look for more exploit development training and challenges.

Overal, take it. Its worth it especially for the price.